Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Prayers for A Long Life

12/28/2010, 1:36 AM
Prashraya: I m busy editing anime and pics in adobe.Like me driving jet, car and doing things that I don’t do. So I get the picture edit it and presto Im a hero. Im an anime.
Sean: Ok fine that’s great.
Prashraya: I have a lot of things to do. Talk to that fraternity member gal and this editing.I need to fast on Saturday, then do the year of the rabbit guide and prediction.
Sean: You’re a psychic?
Prashraya: In the real sense yeah but in your imagination Im not.
I got a normal perception of the future not extra ordinary.
Sean: So you are not someone with esp or something
Prashraya: I am just seeing things in my psyche (mind) psychic is just ans adjective of psyche, Im just not that clairvoyant like in the movie or whatever you read, its just that I know how to use my mind and dreams and feelings trying hard to predict things, except for gambling. I can do all the prediction and intuition , electing but no gambling its not my calling.
Sean: So 2011 is year of the rabbit ? What's your predictions?
Prashraya: I can just tell you a bit about the year of the Rabbit.
Year of the rabbit will be the year for bugs bunny and Roger Rabbit , and lots of carrots and green peas are going to be consumed . Some will boil the rabbit and some will put soy sauce to taste it. Year of the rabbit is about sensual pleasure.
Sean: Off course there will be sensual pleasure.
Prashraya: Yeah and also I can tell something about what's going to happen in places and economics and politics. I will not give death certificate nor calamity control I can just watch that on TV happen. But those things happened on the same place. So people can prepare themselves. Prevent outbreak of those diseases.
Sean: wow that’s one hell of a prediction! Damn it , but that’s not direct or exact , or what?
Prashraya: Or what , the answer is or what. It would be cool if a prediction is symbolic , poetic and in general , specific prediction can bring bad result. So it should and must be sacred and something that is mystical and will create wondering feeling and will guide people to live a life with psychic guide._______________________________________________________________
12/28/2010, 9:12 PM
Avishvasa:Gadgets they call it androids , and they say apple have lots of sales. And more companies using them. I got injured by my chainwheel and my right leg have wounds and bleeding this noon. And I got no load and got no internet and nothing but pain and wound. Everyone have SUV but me. Anyway there's a prayer for a long life.
Sean: Prayer for long life what was that?
Hymns of the Atharva Veda – Translation by M Bloomfield
III, 11. Prayer for health and long life.
1. I release thee unto life by means of (my) oblation, from unknown decline, and from
consumption. If Grâhi (seizure) has caught hold (gagrâha) of this person here, may Indra and
Agni free him from that!
2. If his life has faded, even if he has passed away, if he has been brought to the very vicinity of
death, I snatch him from the lap of Nirriti (the goddess of destruction): I have freed him unto a
life of a hundred autumns.
3. I have snatched him (from death) by means of an oblation which has a thousand eyes,
hundredfold strength, and -ensures a hundredfold life, in order that Indra may conduct him
through the years across to the other side of every misfortune.
4. Live thou, thriving a hundred autumns, a hundred winters, and a hundred springs! May Indra,
Agni, Savitar, Brihaspati (grant) thee a hundred years! I have snatched him (from death) with an
oblation that secures a life,of a hundred years.
5. Enter ye, O in-breathing and out-breathing, as two bulls a stable! Away shall go the other
deaths, of which, it is said, there are a hundred more!
6. Remain ye here, O in-breathing and out-breathing, do not go away from here; do ye car anew
to old age his body and his limbs!
7. To old age I make thee over, into old age I urge thee; may a happy old age guide thee! Away
shall go the other deaths, of which, it is said, there are a hundred more!
8. Upon thee (life unto) old age has been deposited, as a rope is tied upon a bull. That death
which has fettered thee at thy birth with a firm rope, Brihaspati with the hands of the truth did
strip off from thee.
III, 31. Prayer for health and long life.
1. The gods are free from decrepitude; thou, O Agni, art removed from the demon of hostility. I
free thee from all evil and disease, (and) unite thee with life.
2. (Vâyu), the purifying (wind), shall free thee from misfortune, Sakra (Indra) from evil sorcery!
I free thee from all evil and disease, (and) unite thee with life.
3. The tame (village) animals are separate from the wild (forest animals); the water has flowed
apart from thirst. I free thee from all evil and disease, (and) unite thee with life.
4. Heaven and earth here go apart; the paths go in every direction. I free thee from all evil and
disease, (and) unite thee with life.
5. 'Tvashtar is preparing a wedding for his daughter,' thus (saying) does this whole world pass
through. I free thee from all evil and disease, (and) unite thee with life.
6. Agni unites (life's) breaths, the moon is united with (life's) breath. I free thee from all evil and
disease, (and) unite thee with life.
7. By means of (life's) breath the gods aroused the everywhere mighty sun. I free thee from all
evil and disease, (and) unite thee with life.
8. Live thou by the (life's) breath of them that have life, and that create life; do not die! I free
thee from all evil and disease, (and) unite thee with life.
9. Breathe thou with the (life's) breath of those that breathe; do not die! I free thee from all evil
and disease, (and) unite thee with life.
10. Do thou (rise) up with life, unite thyself with life, (rise) up with the sap of the plants! I free
thee from all evil and disease, (and) unite thee with life.
11. From the rain of Parganya we have risen up, immortal. I free thee from all evil and disease,
(and) unite thee with life.
VII, 53. Prayer for long life.
1. When, O Brihaspati, thou didst liberate (us) from existence in yonder world of Yama, (and)
from hostile schemes, then did the Asvins, the physicians of the gods, with might sweep death
from us, O Agni!
2. O in-breathing and out-breathing, go along with the body, do not leave it: may they be thy
allies here! Live and thrive a hundred autumns; Agni shall be thy most excellent shepherd and
3. Thy vital force that has been dissipated afar, thy in-breathing and thy out-breathing, shall
Hymns of the Atharva Veda – Translation by M Bloomfield
come back again! Agni has snatched them from the lap of Nirriti (the goddess of destruction),
and I again introduce them into thy person.
4. Let not his in-breathing desert him, nor his out-breathing quit him and depart! I commit him to
the Seven Rishis: may they convey him in health to old age!
5. Enter, O in-breathing and out-breathing, like two bulls into a stable: this person shall here
flourish, an unmolested repository for old age!
6. Life's breath we do drive into thee, disease we do drive away from thee. May this excellent
Agni endow us with life from every source!
7. Ascending from the darkness of death to the highest firmament, to Sûrya (the sun), the god
among gods, we have reached the highest light.
Sean: not only long life also health.
12/29/2010, 10:04 AM
Sarvanasha: What happen Sean ? I had a dream , I was sitting next to Jagatii and she was talkin to me and it was romantic . And I became a soldier too and I was in a battle.
Sean: You are thinking while sleeping Sarvanasha . Or imagining things while sleeping. Your vision your responsibility Sarvanasha.
Sarvanasha: The feeling was I was an exploited soldier of a joking commander.
Sean: What really happened in your dream?
Sarvanasha: I was bringing soldier in the battle with that truck. And the truck was empty and I have to bring more, the distant battle zone was scary ,I'm at the back of the truck and coming back to warzone my commander told me to crawl and even though the battle zone is yet faraway and he was I perceived serious and when I look at him he was joking. That’s what I wanted in my dream and it appears that way.
Sean: Yeah dream is premonition and its just natural , like a father is the most hateful member of the family for their children. Its natural that he is bossy and pretend stupid while drunk and overspending. But lovable when he is functioning well. Like he is teaching you driving, giving you money, food, and encouragement to learn more. But if he is not pro knowledge , you totally hate him.
Sarvanasha: nice analogy Sean. Knowledge is harsh but you like it anyway and wants it. But if knowledge is suppressed, its harmful and not worth living.
Sean: You mean your dad is an ignorant fool?
Sarvanasha: When he is rational its too much when he is playing ignorant fool don’t get deceived.
Sean: Yeah if a Russian leader is drunk he still holds the key to their nuclear arsenals.
Sarvanasha: I am not worried about wanting technology its targeted customer doesn't include me and that’s why they are limited. Those limited people who can own them will not enjoy it unless everybody have it. Same with spiritual development if few people are spiritually developed many are turning to taking rather than giving. They will take and will share nothing. What is yours will be theirs too. If few people have no technology, no nuclear power , the next generation will blame them , because their country is powerless , their Christmas and new year is dark. No power supply. No night life. Stupid politicians must be blamed for that .
Sarvanasha: What I think is if I am suppressed Sean I'd rather live suppressed than pretending to have freedom but feeling suppressed , shackled, choked and stupid.
Sean: Who is making you stupid Sarvanasha?
Sarvanasha: I can't tell you that.
Sean: Think it over Sarvanasha you have to be grateful to the society .What do you mean you are suppressed? I'm sure if you feel like that you are not alone, many people are shackled, and suppressed living a life with fear of their life all the time.
Sarvanasha:You mean I'm not going to do anything to change this life and stay here?
Sean: Okay you can go wherever you want to go and live a new life.
Sarvanasha: When Im gone what are you going to do?
Sean: take care of what you will left behind.
Sarvanasha: you are going to eat my cake?
Sean: And drink your red wine too and take all your honey.
Sarvanasha: I wan to read the Puranas.Then think of what Im going to eat tomorrow.
Sean: Puranas are just enrichment of the Vedas.
Sarvanasha: Not just enrichment they are cool reference of nice cool ancient myth.
Sean: Your fasting today Sarvanasha? What s your meal for tomorrow?
Sarvanasha:Health bread and sweets like molido of pili ,ube and sweet potato .
Sean: how about bibingka?
Sarvanasha: yes with kutsinta, puto, and grated coconut. Ideally young coconut juice.
12/30/2010, 5:21 AM
Krurata: Theres a timeline for vedas
Sean:whats that?
Krurata: it dates back 1500–1200 BCE Vedic literature ranges from the Rigveda (c. 1500 BCE) to the Upanishads (c. 1000–600 BCE) and provides the primary documentation for Indian religion before Buddhism and the early texts of classical Hinduism. The most important texts are the four collections (Samhitas) known as the Veda or Vedas: the Rigveda (“Wisdom of the Verses”), the Yajurveda (“Wisdom of the Sacrificial Formulas”), the Samaveda (“Wisdom of the Chants”), and the Atharvaveda (“Wisdom of the Atharvan Priests”). Of these, the Rigveda is the oldest.
Sean: what are the ten avatars of Vishnu?
Krurata:The term usually refers to these 10 appearances of Vishnu: Matsya (fish), Kūrma (tortoise), Varāha (boar), Narasimha (half man, half lion), Vāmana (dwarf), Paraśurāma (Rāma with the axe), Rāma (hero of the Rāmāyana epic), Krishna (the divine cowherd), Buddha, and Kalkin (the incarnation yet to come).
Sean: Trimurti?
Krurata:Prajapati (Brahma) ,Rudra (Siva) and Vishnu (Krishna) .Each of them have many avatars.You can read in Puranas.
Sean: Vedas before are unwritten and it was called shruti (heard)
Krurata: yes it was only compiled 300 BCE
Sean: what is the Bhagavat giita?
It means:(Song of the Lord), a Sanskrit poem, consisting of 700 verses divided into 18 chapters, that is regarded by most Hindus as their most important text—the essence of their belief.
The Gita, which is set in Book VI of the Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, is in the form of a dialogue between the incarnate god Krishna and a human hero, Prince Arjuna, on the holy field of Kurukshetra, before the great Mahabharata battle.

Sean: what about the Mahabharata?
Krurata: Mahabharata is 1302 BCE, but most historians assign it a later date.
one of the two Sanskrit great epic poems of ancient India (the other being the Ramayana). The Mahabharata is an important source of information on the development of Hinduism between 400 BCE and 200 CE and is regarded by Hindus as both a text about dharma (Hindu moral law) and a history (itihasa, literally “that's what happened”). Appearing in its present form about 400 CE, the Mahabharata consists of a mass of mythological and didactic material arranged around a central heroic narrative that tells of the struggle for sovereignty between two groups of cousins, the Kauravas (sons of Dhritarashtra, the descendant of Kuru) and the Pandavas (sons of Pandu).
Sean: who was Vedavyasa?
Sanskrit“Arranger” or “Compiler”also called Krishna Dvaipayana or Vedavyasa
flourished 1500 BC?
legendary Indian sage who is traditionally credited with composing or compiling the Mahabharata, a collection of legendary and didactic poetry worked around a central heroic narrative.
According to legend, Vyasa was the son of the ascetic Parashara and the dasyu (aboriginal) princess Satyavati and grew up in forests, living with hermits who taught him the Vedas (ancient sacred literature of India). Thereafter he lived in the forests near the banks of the river Sarasvati, becoming a teacher and a priest, fathering a son and disciple, Shuka, and gathering a large group of disciples. Late in life, living in caves in the Himalayas, he is said to have divided the Vedas into the four traditional collections, composed Puranas, and, in a period of two and a half years, composed his great poetic work, the Mahabharata, supposedly dictating it to his scribe, Ganesha, the elephant god.
Sean: Is Vedavyasa the Great One Moses is talkin to at Mt Sinai?
Sean:How He get to Mt Sinai?
Krurata:by a boat He likes sailing.

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